Shawn Paul
[email protected]
Rosa is in her new home. I know it's not much to many, but look at what she use to live in! She is so happy to be in a more healthy and dry place. LOOK at her million dollar view!! Thank you to those that helped "Rice Foundation," Ricardo and Alex. Blessings to all those that put in their physical labor as well! Many are asking how much it cost and wanting to fund a home. They cost around $800 to build. Please contact me if you want to help with the next project. Shawn Paul [email protected]
Life is more so than who can gather the biggest toys. It's about a daily relationship with our creator, fulfilling his plans and purposes for our lives, and touching the hearts and lives of those around us for his son, Jesus Christ.
Shawn Paul Missionary to Honduras Words can't even describe my heart. Every mission team has their own personality of themselves; every team is special to us. Last year we met our family from Arizona. Just when you thought it couldn't get any better they brought with them more family members from Nevada. We had a blast this week working for the Kingdom of God. I love my life in so many ways, but having mission teams is one of the greatest joys. You are meeting more and more brothers and sisters you never knew you had. Alexis even tried to express her heart to them in a special way last night and couldn't even finish because she started to cry. We love you all and thank you. Forever, you will be in my heart! Christ to the Nations Church and Word of Life Christian Center.
Shawn Paul We took Pastor David to the canyon in Santa Rita. It's always a treat to go here. He's kind of an adventures kind of guy and really enjoyed it! Living your own dream or the dream the Lord has given you is a HUGE difference!
Shawn Paul Missionary to Honduras Happiness is a stagnated pond, it's all about us and our emotions. Joy is a lake with an inlet and outlet. As we give out, more joy flows back in!!
Shawn Paul Missionary to Honduras We are getting ready to go out and minister tonight. They are ready to touch the hearts and lives of the children. It's such a blessing to have the team here. They are so eager to do what God has challenged them to do!
The mission team is here from Arizona and Nevada, representing two different churches! Christ to the Nations Church and Word of Life Christian Center. While here, they will be evangelizing 10 communities in the surrounding areas. Then having powerful meetings at night in two different locations. Both adult and children will be ministered too.
We are now looking towards the future for mission teams in 2016. This year we had 4 awesome teams plus a family from Kentucky. There is still room for September or October. Next year we are looking to build a school and 2 smaller mountain churches. The ministry is constantly expanding. Mission teams can range from medical/dental, teaching, VBS, construction, evangelism, preaching, and so much more. Contact me, let's see if we can put something together.
Contact me and let's see what we can do for you! Shawn Paul [email protected] This is the love of my life. We have been with each other since August of 1985. I have loved her the very moment I saw her. Today, we are serving the Lord together in foreign missions. Couldn't image her not in my life!
Shawn Do you live a partial lifestyle, but wanting the full benefit package? Only giving God what is comfortable, but expecting God to give you all of him and his blessings?
Shawn Paul Missionary to Honduras |
May 2022