Shawn Paul
Missionary to Honduras
It's concerning when Christians begin to state that there is a fallibility with God's Word (Bible). That Jesus is revealed to them not through the Word but through their relationship. What roads are we going down? What doors are being opened to deception?
Shawn Paul Missionary to Honduras
Helping those in need is where our hearts are at. One ongoing outreach program we have is preventative medical care. We have the opportunity to pass out toothbrushes, toothpaste, and de-worming medicine. The new truck for our ministry is fitting right in. As you can see, it's getting used already. Up in the mountains where she belongs! Thank you to all the supporters for making this happen!
Faith is action. How we use it and for what purpose is multifaceted. BUT the bible does say, "Faith without good works is dead." We are encouraged to live life beyond ourselves and pour into others. I firmly believe as we focus on others, our needs seem so small in nature. Be a light of Jesus into other hearts and lives today and this coming week. Find yourself doing "Good Works."
Shawn Paul Missionary to Honduras I remember over 25 years ago I was on the floor in our apartment in Kentucky playing with my daughter Felecia. I will never forget coming to the realization at that moment, I was eternally lost and destined for hell. God was preparing my heart through the Holy Spirit to meet a man by the name of Darrell Wagner at work. He shared the loving message of Jesus to me and challenged me to become a man of God by accepting Jesus as my personal savior. During that lunch hour I said the sinners prayer with a man by the name of Pastor Jimmy Squires; he is my pastor to this day. I have never looked back. God has done so many powerful things in my life; to many to count. For those that are reading this and the Lord is knocking on your heart. Don't turn your back to Him, but embrace His message. I promise you, it will be the best decision you will ever make!
Shawn Paul Missionary to Honduras What a joy it is to know that more are coming to the full knowledge of who Jesus Christ is! These new converts are from a community called Chilar. It's Independence Day here in Honduras. What a wonderful time to celebrate their freedom! I was so impressed with their parade. The music was wonderful. You could see the pride they have in their country! We are up here in Old San Isidro. It's a community above La Laguna. There is a huge need here to build a new school. As you can see, their current school is small and needs a lot of help. Our plan is to build them a new school on the property shown in the first photo. We are meeting with the current owners.
There isn't anything like being with your church family. We had fun being with each other. Food and games for all! Be praying for us. We are seeking ways to feed the hungry here in the mountains. I have been introduced to a particular type of rice called, "Upland Rice or Highland Rice." It is grown without out flooded paddies. It is drought resistant and can be grown in higher altitudes. These photos are from a man in Coban, Guatemala. I am trying to locate this rice and how to get it here in Honduras.
Worth the read! For months God has been dealing with me to work on sustainable projects for the people in the mountains of Honduras. He challenged me to start an aquaponic system (it grows food and fish). I go back to Iowa due to my father's funeral. A man on the plane told me to read, "When Helping Hurts." It's about developing a community beyond just the gospel; jobs, businesses, and so much more. As I was reading, I began to cry and asked God for help and send me the people to help me. Now fast forward to the flight home. Due to a convenient mechanical failure (door wouldn't shut), I missed my connecting flight in Atlanta. I was forced to stay overnight. Initially, Delta placed me in another seat somewhere else on the plane. I requested my old seat back and they were able to get me the exact same seat as I had the day before (exit row). There was two women sitting on the other side of me. The stewardess asked if they were willing to accept the responsibility in sitting in the exit row. They said NO. I have never heard of anyone refusing to sit in the exit row. So, the stewardess made them move to other seats. All of a sudden the stewardess is moving a husband and wife in those seats that was just vacated. As they were sitting down I overheard the wife say, "Praise the Lord" So, while in flight, God was pressuring me to say something to the husband that was sitting right next to me across the isle. So, I cracked up a conversation. Come to find out, he is an aquaponic expert. Travels around the world with his ministry helping communities develop food sources, businesses, and such. The complete answer to my prayers! He told me that he would love to help me! We are arranging our first meeting this week! GOD ORCHESTRATED ALL OF THAT. IT WAS NOT COINCIDENCE!! GOD CARES ABOUT EVERY DETAIL OF OUR LIVES. This is our oldest daughter. I got to see her when I went back for my father's funeral. Not the greatest circumstances, but it was great seeing her! She has blossomed into a wonderful young woman of God!
May 2022