Preacher, is doing some serious acrobatics; installing grid and ceiling tiles.
Had a great time ministering with my friend Pastor Oscar! Ministered on, "Do You Really Trust God?"
My lovely bride, Nancy, snuck into the children's ministry to check on the teacher to see how she was doing! Love helping men and women of God in ministry! PRAISE THE LORD! We are breaking ground for a new church in San Jose, Guatemala. It's a tiny village through the mountains along the river bed. Good times in Barbasco today. Nancy here with Pastor Ever on the left and a church-goer in the middle. They are breaking ground on the new children's building. MorningStar Missions will be helping in this project. Then had a wonderful time preaching this morning; "We are More than Conquerors Through the Strength of Christ!" Great group of people!
One of the greatest blessings in life is to be used of God to be a blessing towards others.
This is Pastor Hector in the red hat. He is in a desperate need for a new home for him, his wife, and 5 children. The Lord moved on our hearts to help him build a new home. Thank you all that support MorningStar Missions to make this happen. What a wonderful week we had with Patty Flock-Durner. Touching people and changing lives! One of my FB followers saw a picture I posted couple of months ago. She messaged me to say she wanted to bless that family. My friend, Dr. Jorge, had access to the family in one of his communities. WOW! What a blessing! Thanks Carrie!
Kid's ministry in Boca de Monte! Nancy is training the teacher out there. She said she was blown away by her growth and performance!
The start of our bible college. SMTI "Supernatural Ministries Training Institute" through Mark Barclay Ministries. 19 ministers of the gospel from the surrounding communities of Copan Ruinas, Honduras!
Preaching in San Francisco this morning. It's a little village tucked away in the mountains. Love it here!
Nancy and I wanted to say thank you to all those that have helped us make such an impact in the surrounding mountainous communities of Copan Ruinas.
We feel that it has been a collective team effort from day one. Because of everyone, 1000's of lives have been changed forever! Thank you for your continued prayers and support. We are looking forward to 2018 in a continuous partnership with you! Also, there is room enough for others as well, jump on in and let's do this together! CLICK ON PHOTOS BELOW |
May 2022