As I was praying this morning, I was thinking about all the hardship people suffer in our world. From hunger, mental illnesses, exposure to extreme weather conditions, and etc. There is a very small part of the world that lives a life such as an American lifestyle. We are so blessed and sometimes that has caused us to be blind. I was recently researching the Korean peninsula, how the S. Korean Christian church is becoming numb to the sufferings of their N. Korean neighbors due to them more concerned about building wealth for themselves. They are now looking more so inwardly than outwardly. It's about themselves instead of others. Isn't this a common problem not only in the church, but globally?
Consider the following statistics:
- 1.4 billion people live on less than $1.25 per day
- 80% of the world lives on less than $10 a day
- 6.9 million children died in 2011 each year – 19,000 a day- mostly from preventable health issues
- 1.1 billion has inadequate drinking water
- 2.6 billion lack basic sanitation
- Number of children in the world 2.2 billion, number that lives in poverty 1 billion!
What can I do 2015? That's the question I want you to ask yourself! What can I do this year to think outwardly? How can I relieve the pain and suffering in our world? When we start asking those questions and do something about it. You will see something take place. Instead of an internal stagnation taking place within yourself, there will be an outflow. You giving of yourself to those around you. You will begin to appreciate the blessings the Lord has bestowed upon you because you will see a difference in other lives. Jesus said, "It’s better to give than receive." I think that there is a spiritual refreshment when we give to others take place in our lives.
"Where do I start," many of you are asking. Here are some things to consider:
- Look around you or even look globally
- What suffering brings an interest to you? (Hunger, lack of education, shelter issues), the list is endless?
- What active role is your local church participating in? Consider being involved.
- What current connections do you have that they are doing something? (Friends, family, co-workers, ministry, Facebook)
- Pray to God for him to show you
Whatever you choose to do!! DO IT and don't quit. I promise if you connect with the right ministry or organization that provides continual flow of updates through photography, videos, and blog reports, you will see the difference you are making.
In conclusion, this 2015 add to your list, "Make a Difference in Someone Else's Life!"! As you have been blessed, be a blessing.
Shawn Paul
Missionary to Honduras