Luke 14:23 instructs us to go out and compel others to come to God’s house. What greater way than to call all children to come to the soccer field for a day of fun. We use these events to not only reach out to children but also a time that we can build relationships with those who do not attend church. We have a captivated audience for 3 hours. We pour our love out to these communities. We play games that may only involve the children and some involving the families. Once we have played several games and have gained their attention, we share a message with all and follow up with the children doing a craft to take home to hang up.
Through these outreaches we meet new families in these communities and establish a relationship of trust between them and us. Not all the families will end up coming to the church. However, the door that once was closed has now opened for us to minister God’s word to the children first and believe for the entire family to follow.
Nancy Paul