Many ask me, "Are you excited?" Yes, we are very excited what God has in store for us, but the actual move, no, to me it's already happened. To understand, you have to realize I have been working on this for over 5 years. I know it's going to happen. I am already onto the next phase. Packing the house up and our bags is just a part of it.
I am already thinking about the logistics of Honduras. What are we going to accomplish in our first 3 months? What lives are we going to touch and who are they? Where are the pastors? What are their needs? What mission groups are we going to be bringing down? I am way beyond the moving transition.
Like anything else God has done in my life, he gives me the big picture, but won't fill in the rest until I start making the steps towards the big picture. It's like being in the dark, you can see the lit up stadium way off in the distance. The flashlight that you are holding only lights up the path just enough for you to keep from falling. The peace of God is continually in your heart giving you courage to step forward. Eventually you reach the stadium that is filled with His glory. You have reached his plans and purpose for your life. God allows you to sit and take in the glory for a moment. As time goes on, you are no longer satisfied in your spirit, then God shows you another big picture, its time to move on to another level for your life.
Honduras, you are another level in my life. I can't wait to get to you. I can't wait to see those lives that I hunger to become a part of. I can't wait to be plugged into the big picture!!
Shawn Paul
Missionary to Honduras,